Welcome to

The Planning Studio

Your first stop in all things Wedding Planning

As a seasoned wedding planner with over 15 years of experience, I know that planning a wedding can be both exciting and overwhelming.

That's why I'm here to teach you how to plan your dream wedding like a pro without having to hire a full time wedding planner. I believe every couple should have the knowledge to plan your wedding like a pro even if your budget does not allow for it.

Whether you're a bride-to-be looking to plan your own wedding, or a friend or family member helping out with the planning process, I've got you covered.


I believe that a wedding is build on 3 pillars that form the foundation for all wedding planning decisions

1. The date

2. The Venue

3. The Budget

From choosing the perfect venue to selecting the right vendors, managing your budget, and handling any unexpected hiccups along the way. I'll share my wealth of knowledge and experience to ensure that your wedding day is everything you've ever dreamed of and more, while saving you time, money and putting your relationship first

So, whether you're just getting started or you're well on your way to planning your big day, let me be your guide and help you plan your wedding like a pro.

How I can help you

The Ultimate Wedding Budget Builder

Did you just get engaged and now you are asking yourself where do I even begin in planning this wedding?

I believe the budget is the first part to start. If you have created your wedding budget framework it gives you a roadmap to what to do and in which order to do it.

This is a great way to get started.

If you join one of our Wedding Planning Workshops this will be included for free.

Head over to our Stan Store in our Instagram bio to buy your copy today.

Happy planning!

Wedding Planning Workshop

Did you just get engaged and now you are wondering: 'Where do I even start' ?


Has planning your wedding so far given you sleepless nights?

Why not let me help you in our live video

webinar sessions to put together the

step by step plan to plan your wedding.

The live sessions combined with a workbook for each week will help you plan your wedding like a pro and take the stress out of what do I do next and did I miss anything?

Head over to our Stan Store in our Instagram bio to see when the next

workshop will kick off.

Full Planning Service

Have you done all the researched and looked at all of the "How to plan a wedding" details online and you just don't have the time and capacity to plan your wedding yourself?

Why not let me help. I LOVE weddings and planning them makes my heart happy.

I Love taking the vision a couple has for their special day and putting it together.

We specialize in Destination weddings and making sure all of the details for your special occasion are taken care of.

We have VERY limited spots available for full planning weddings so that I can give my full attention to the weddings I plan.

Schedule a consultation today to see if we are a good fit to work together on your special day.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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